
"Los Juguetes de la Corte" es mi primera colección de cuadros de gran formato y espero que no sea la ultima. Le he dedicado mucho tiempo y ahora desearía poder mostrárosla en exposición y quien quiera pueda llevarse uno a casa por un módico precio. Presiento que VOY A TENER SUERTE y pronto os podre comunicar día y hora muy pronto...

To the search of Room To exhibit. " The Toys of the Court " it is my first collection of pictures of great format and I hope that it is not the last one. I have dedicated him a lot of time and now it would want to be able to show it to you in exhibition and the one who wants could take one to him to house for a reasonable price. I have a feeling that I AM GOING TO HAVE LUCK and soon you pus report day and hour very soon...

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